7 day plan

Abundant Grace

Day 6 of 7


Luke 14:16b-17

"A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of the banquet, he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready.'" Luke 14:16b-17 (CEV )

Reflection: Dinner is Ready

This parable of Jesus, the Parable of the Great Banquet, always strikes me with its profound message of God’s boundless grace and the unexpected nature of his invitation. It’s a story that challenges my understanding of worthiness and reminds me of the radical inclusivity of God’s love.

Imagine this: a grand feast is being prepared, a symbol of joy, abundance, and celebration. Invitations are sent out, but those who were expected to attend decline, offering excuses that pale in comparison to the significance of the occasion. It’s a scene that exposes our human tendency to prioritise earthly concerns over the eternal banquet God has prepared for us.

The host, in his anger and disappointment, doesn’t give up. Instead, he widens the circle of invitation, reaching out to the marginalised, the forgotten, and the overlooked. This speaks volumes about God’s heart — he desires for all to come to him, regardless of their social standing or past mistakes. It’s a reminder that God’s love is not limited to a select few but extends to every corner of the earth.

This parable also reveals the tragic consequences of rejecting God’s invitation. It’s a sobering reminder that we can’t take God’s grace for granted. His offer of salvation is a precious gift, and turning it down has eternal implications.

As I reflect on this parable, I’m challenged to examine my own response to God’s invitation. Have I truly accepted his offer of salvation? Am I prioritising my relationship with him above all else? Am I actively sharing his invitation with others, especially those who may feel marginalised or excluded?

Have you fully embraced the reality that God’s invitation is personal and extends to you, regardless of your background or past mistakes? What doubts or fears might be holding you back from fully experiencing his love and grace?

How can you actively participate in extending God’s invitation to others, especially those who may feel unworthy or undeserving of his love? How can you reflect God’s inclusive heart in your interactions with others?

The Messianic banquet, a symbol of hope and restoration, finds its fulfillment in Jesus. How does this understanding shape your view of the Bible and your relationship with Jesus?


Lord Jesus, thank you for your extravagant love and the incredible invitation to be part of your kingdom. Forgive me for the times I’ve taken your grace for granted or allowed other things to distract me from you. Help me to live each day in response to your invitation, sharing your love with those around me. Amen.
