7 day plan

Abundant Grace

Day 3 of 7


Luke 19:13

 “So, he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. ‘Put this money to work,’ he said, ‘until I come back.’” Luke 19:13, (CEV)

Reflection: The Return of the King

Have you ever wondered what it truly means for Jesus to be King? Or what is expected of us during his absence? The Parable of the Minas, offers profound insights into these questions.

This parable unfolds against the backdrop of Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem. The crowds buzzed with anticipation, believing the Kingdom of God was about to appear. Jesus, however, used this parable to teach a deeper truth about his kingship and our role in it.

The nobleman in the story, who represents Jesus, entrusts his servants with minas — a form of currency. He instructs them to “put this money to work” until he returns. This isn’t just about financial investment; it’s a call to invest our lives, talents, and resources in ways that honour God.

The servants’ responses reveal their hearts. Some eagerly put the minas to work, multiplying their master’s investment and earning his trust and greater responsibility. Others, out of fear or apathy, bury their mina, squandering the opportunity and facing the consequences of their inaction.

This parable reveals several key truths about our relationship with God:

Jesus will return as King, but his full reign is not yet. How does this understanding shape your current actions and priorities?

God has given us gifts and blessings, expecting us to use them in service to him. What are the “minas” — the unique gifts and talents — that God has entrusted to you? How can you utilise them to further his kingdom?

God desires our faithfulness and public declaration of our allegiance to him. What fears or insecurities might be hindering you from boldly living out your faith and sharing the good news of Jesus with others?

Neglecting or misusing God’s gifts is a serious offense. How can you actively cultivate and develop the talents and resources God has given you to avoid the fate of the unfaithful servant?


Dear Lord, thank you for entrusting me with the precious gifts you have given me. Help me to be a faithful steward of these gifts, investing them wisely and boldly for your glory. Give me the courage to overcome any fears or doubts that may hinder me from fully participating in your work. May my life bring honour to your name. Amen.
