7 day plan

Abundant Grace

Day 1 of 7


Luke 12: 16b-20

“The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops… But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’” Luke 12: 16b-17, 20 (CEV)

Series Introduction

In this series, Munther from Bible Society of Jordan helps us to delve into the profound teachings of Jesus by exploring a series of powerful and thought-provoking parables. Through each devotion, one of these timeless stories will be brought to life, revealing their relevance to modern-day Christians and inspiring us to apply their lessons to our own lives. At the heart of this series lies a central theme: the boundless grace of God over our unfaithfulness, his love, and the exquisite work of Jesus.

Reflection: Scared to Death

Let’s dive into this parable and see how it speaks to our lives today. Imagine being in the crowd, seeing a young man come up to Jesus, eager and bold, asking Jesus to tell his brother to share the inheritance. Instead of addressing the legal matter, Jesus gives a surprising and stern response, leading into a powerful teaching moment.

In Luke 12:13-21, Jesus tells a story of a rich man whose land produced a bountiful harvest. This man, filled with anxiety about storing his excess, decides to tear down his barns and build larger ones, thinking this will secure his future and give him a life of ease. He plans to relax, eat, drink, and be merry. But God calls him a fool, telling him that his life will be taken that very night, leaving his stored goods for someone else.

This parable hits home for many of us. We often equate success with financial security and believe that accumulating wealth will bring us peace and happiness. However, Jesus warns us that life does not consist in the abundance of possessions. True security and contentment come from a rich relationship with God, not from material wealth. Jesus addresses the underlying fear and greed in our hearts, reminding us to trust in God’s provision and to be generous with the blessings we receive.

What fears do you need to address in your heart that may be influencing your decisions? How might recognising that God’s blessings are meant to be shared, not hoarded, change your perspective on your circumstances?

In what ways have you equated money with comfort in your life? How can you shift your priorities to focus more on relationships and spiritual well-being rather than the pursuit of material gain?

Are you living for physical pleasures alone, and how is that affecting your sense of fulfillment? How can you seek true joy by living a life that is rich toward God, and embracing his purpose for your life instead?


Dear Heavenly Father, help us to see beyond the allure of material wealth and to trust in your provision. Teach us to address our fears with faith, to seek comfort in your presence, and to find true joy in a life dedicated to your will. May we be rich in love, generosity, and faith, sharing your blessings with those around us. Amen.
