7 day plan

Abundant Grace

Day 5 of 7


Luke 12: 35-36

"Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks, they can immediately open the door for him." Luke 12:35-36 (CEV)

Reflection: Rethinking Lordship

This parable of Jesus paints a vivid picture of anticipation and preparedness for the return of the Son of Man. It serves as a guide for how we should live our lives as we await Jesus’ second coming.

The parable unfolds in three scenes. In the first scene the servants are depicted as actively waiting for their master’s return from a wedding banquet. They are “dressed ready for service” and “keep their lamps burning,” symbolising their readiness and vigilance.

The servants eagerly anticipate their master’s return. Their vigilance is rewarded when he arrives unexpectedly, perhaps even before the banquet is over.

The master, still in his wedding attire, surprises the servants by serving them. He invites them to recline at the table, brings them food, and waits on them. This unexpected reversal of roles highlights the master’s generosity and the servants’ blessedness.

This parable teaches us several essential lessons:

The waiting can be long and demanding, but the reward is worth it. Staying vigilant and prepared, especially when the timing is uncertain, can be challenging. However, the parable reminds us that our faithfulness will be richly rewarded when Jesus returns.

There is a true reward for faithfulness. In our daily lives, we may see those who are not faithful seemingly prosper, while those who are faithful struggle. This parable assures us that true reward comes from God and will be revealed at the appropriate time.

God’s reward always exceeds our expectations. We may have our own ideas of what blessings we desire from God. However, the parable reminds us that God’s generosity often surpasses our wildest dreams. The master’s act of serving his servants demonstrates the unexpected and abundant nature of God’s grace.

How can you actively cultivate a spirit of expectancy and preparedness for Jesus’ return in your daily life? What practical steps can you take to ensure you are “dressed ready for service” and “keep your lamps burning”?

Are there areas in your life where you feel discouraged by the apparent lack of reward for your faithfulness? How can this parable encourage you to persevere in faith, trusting in God’s timing and ultimate reward?

What are your expectations of God’s blessings and rewards? How can you open your heart to the possibility that God’s blessings may come in unexpected and even greater ways than you imagine?


Lord Jesus, thank you for the promise of your return. Help me to live each day with eager anticipation, ready to serve you and share your love with others. Fill me with your Spirit, that I may remain vigilant and faithful, trusting in your perfect timing and abundant blessings. Amen.
