Reflection: At first the idea of taking up my cross and following Jesus sounded, well, terrible! Who wants to take up a cross? Sounds like suffering, which I’m prone to avoid.
But if suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope (as Romans 5:3-4 says)…
…then I can have hope in the Lord, who knows the plans he has for me, plans to prosper me, not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future (as Jeremiah 29:11 says). I can trust him to meet my needs. I can cheerfully give.
I can love mercy and fight for justice. I can store up treasure in heaven and let go of my earthly indulgences. I can take up my cross and remain in him who created my innermost being, in him who came that I might have an abundant life.
I want to lose my life to find that abundance, to live a life in the freedom of generosity that Jesus paid for with his life.
For the Lord is my strength. God’s Kingdom come.
Prayer: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.