Reflection: Do As I Do
Most parents learn that the best way to teach their children is by setting an example. At times I have failed in this task.
Paul pleads with the members of God’s family in Philippi to settle their conflict and “be of the same mind in the Lord” (Phil 4:2). A reliable formula for family unity! Paul added more encouragement, urging everyone to “rejoice in the Lord” and let their gentleness be seen by all (Phil 4:4). I realised early in my Christian life that rejoicing and gentleness cannot be taught easily; they’re much better caught by example.
It’s my responsibility as a father and believer to be an example to my family. Paul’s own life must have shown joy and gentleness for him to use himself as an example to follow. Like Paul, we’ve got to live in such a way that we can say, “Learn what I teach—by example!” A sense of what’s right and what’s wrong is a wonderful and necessary thing to know.
Question: What kind of example are you?
Prayer: Lord, you are our example of love and compassion. Empower us with your Holy Spirit to live in such a way that our families may see Christ living in us always. In his name, Amen.