I’m always struck by how often the word ‘forever’ comes up in love songs. It is the nature of romantic love to commit and make crazy, wild ‘forever’ promises. But after the early infatuation stage has passed, the lovers must demonstrate their love for one another by keeping the promises that they have made. Real love will be expressed in their faithfulness to those promises.
In these verses the Psalmist sings of the Lord’s love for his people. Like a spouse’s love, God’s love is evidenced in his faithfulness. He has made a ‘forever’ promise to his people and the Psalmist is sure that he will keep it.
In response to God’s faithfulness to his ‘forever’ promises, the Psalmist makes some ‘forever’ promises of his own. What does he promise?
Faithful Lord, how great is your love for us! May we sing forever of your faithfulness to us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.