Can you imagine serving a god who wasn’t righteous? One who cared little for justice and truth and made no effort to right wrongs? We sing because our God isn’t like that. Righteousness is fundamental to his character.
Psalm 7 celebrates God’s righteousness, but wrapped up inseparably in this is his judgement of the wicked. God is a shield to the upright in heart because he turns his wrath on sinners. God’s righteous judgement is a good, but sobering thing. We rejoice in the fact that God will right all wrongs, but do this knowing that but for his grace, we would be counted among the wicked.
 How do you feel about God’s righteous judgement? Is it something that you sing of?
God Most High, thank you for counting us as righteous, shielding us from your own wrath through your son Jesus Christ. Speed the day when you will bring about justice in our world. Amen.