14 day plan


Day 6 of 14


Reflection:  It may not be immediately obvious, but the context of today’s verse is pseudo-spiritual legalism.

Humanity has the troubling tendency of trying to control God by instituting a host of man-made rules. These rules give us the illusion that we can access God by our own efforts.

This tendency is both insidious and deceptive. This is because the “rules” we make have the appearance of being very spiritual. If we have a list of things we can and cannot eat and drink; if we have a list of objects that must or must not be in our house; if we have a list of what can and cannot be done on Sunday – we can fool ourselves into thinking that our piety gives us the right to enjoy God’s favour.

The apostle Paul says that if you are mired in all these rules, your mind has been corrupted. We are not to let our minds be controlled by legalistic superstition.

There are enough evil things we very clearly need to avoid without inventing more!

Prayer:  Loving Father, It is such a relief to know that you have opened the way for me to come to you. You have rescued me from trying to do it my way.  Forgive me my arrogance when I sometimes think I can.