Reflection: The counter-intuitive teaching of Jesus in the ‘beatitudes’ is as powerful as it is extraordinary. Too often, we can glide over its words and miss the full significance of what is being said. Today’s verse is one such example. The claim in today’s verse is this: Those who are pure, get revelation. That’s it.
If God seems bewildering to you, then you need revelation. And if you want revelation, then you need to be authentic and pure. The truth is: impurity will blind you to the reality of God.
When you buy a diamond, its worth is determined, in large part, by its purity. The impurities in precious stones are called “inclusions.” Inclusions reflect the fact that something foreign has worked its way into the stone and downgraded the stone’s brilliance and clarity.
Impurities act like spiritual cataracts.
So, please exclude your “inclusions”.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your grace has won my heart. It leaves me with an ache to know you more. Please teach me to be pure, so that I will see you more clearly.