Series Introduction: How will the church in the West die? It will not die by being attacked from the outside; it will die from the inside, by  ‘committing suicide’; that is, when the church allows itself to lose its purity. So, let’s explore how we can regain it.
Reflection:Â The church in the West has all but lost its prophetic voice to wider society. It has been discredited by theological disunity with its leaders teaching diametrically opposite things about the gospel. On top of this, the Western church has allowed abuses to occur within its institutions. It is therefore not surprising that many in the media now look for ways to denigrate the church.
God’s answer to this is simple: it is his wish that the church silences its critics by displaying extraordinary grace and truth (Matthew 5:16; 1 Peter 2:12). In other words, God is calling the church to recover its purity (2 Corinthians 6:17).
Purity is a call to integrity. It requires us to unite on God’s consistent principles in Scripture… and it requires us to love and care for the vulnerable.
God’s insistence on purity is reflected in his Old Testament command to only sacrifice animals to him that were without blemish or defect (Leviticus 1:3).
So… ‘Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?
Only the pure.
Prayer: Loving Father, I am appalled at the impurity of your church in this nation. Our divisions and immorality are a stench to you. Please renew us and refine us by your Holy Spirit… and make us worthy of you.