14 day plan


Day 14 of 14


Reflection:  Being a Christian means engaging in the craft of perfecting holiness. For Christians, this means a lifetime apprenticeship to God’s word and God’s Spirit.

If we are to commit to this journey, we will need to be motivated… and only one thing has the power to do that. That one thing, is having a right understanding of who Christ is and what Christ has done. Unless we have had an authentic encounter with Christ – we will not revere him enough to commit to being pure.

Becoming pure means becoming more like God. Being pure means being “dressed right” in our minds, i.e. in a way that is ready for Christ’s return.

Incidentally: the apostle John tells us that if our hearts ache for Jesus to return, then the very hope of that will have a purifying effect on us (1 John 3:2-3). It will certainly prompt us to get ready for Jesus.

The gospel of Jesus Christ provides the means for us to be changed and be renewed… and it provides the most wonderful reason to hope.

Prayer:  Dear Father, My abiding passion is to finish well. Please don’t let me stray. I want to delight your heart in all I do – for that is the greatest privilege of all.