14 day plan

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Day 7 of 14


Reflection: Eyewitness accounts

Seeing is believing!

And…believing literally became seeing as Saul’s Christ-blinded eyes were opened to understand the Gospel (see Acts 9). The apostle often retold his confronting testimony as proof: I’ve witnessed the risen Lord Jesus Christ so that you can spiritually see and believe in him.

There’s another eye-witness story told where blinding, seeing and telling go hand in hand (possibly my favourite story in the Bible): the Emmaus Road account (Luke 24:13-35). Remember how two friends of Jesus were leaving Jerusalem, downcast at his three-day-old crucifixion. Luke recounts: they were kept from recognizing a third person who came alongside to share the journey. He was sensational company alright, not just erudite in the Scriptures but hope-full. Just when they glimpse something familiar about him (that is, their eyes were opened) …he’s gone. And all they have left is the treasure of their own real experience with the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Seeing is believing! Back they hurry to share the good news with the mourners in Jerusalem.

Oh, and…! While [that assembly of mourners/disciples] were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” And then he comforted them with Scripture, like he had those special two on the Emmaus Road, equipping them all to be eyewitnesses to all nations.

PrayerAs we rehearse eyewitness accounts and glimpse you, Christ Jesus, the eyewitness to the Father, deeply embed our faith. Comfort, equip and embolden us through your Spirit, through Scripture and through each other so we can pass on this message of salvation — your epic love story.