14 day plan

Pay attention!

We worship an attention-seeking God. Yes, you read that right. An attention-seeking God…who knows he’s awesome and demands our worship. What a turn-off that would be if God were like us. But Scripture tells the story of God, deeply in love, drawing all creation to himself. And that, brothers and sisters, is far from a turn-off…and not like us. A weird thing about this epic story of being loved by God is how often we need to be reminded. We’re a distracted, presumptuous and ungrateful generation. But losing focus, getting bogged down, forgetful and downright obstinate is not just our problem. If you grab even a quarter of the pages of your Bible, you’ll have an idea of how much of it is bubbling over with prophecy to generations past.* That is, in the words of men and women who were long-ago commissioned by God: Pay attention! How does God get your attention? What part of that story of radical love needs your attention today? * The Hebrew word for prophet is Nebi: to bubble forth like a fountain. Or as God put it to the prophets: I’ve put my words in your mouth.

Author: Sarah Raiter
You'll now find Sarah empty-nesting at St James Old Cathedral where Mike and she live and worship. https://containingcolor.wordpress.com