For decades, translators have been working on the Pitjantjatjara translation of the Bible. Nami was one of the translators from from Central Australia. While she was working on the translation, Nami said that she had a dream to help her children and grandchildren understand the word God in a language that they too can understand, even before they learned to read… and that was the language of art.
Nami started painting pictures for a new Children’s Illustrated Bible called, Godaku Tjurkupa. Partway through the work, Nami became ill. Sadly, she passed away last year. However, Godaku Tjurkupa is nearly finished, with the help of Bible Society translators and many supporters around Australia, including my father.
My own grandparents left their savings to my father, who had also been a missionary. When my father passed away from cancer a few years ago, he asked my brothers, sister, and myself to invest some of his farm inheritance into Christian work that is in partnership with Indigenous people. So a large part of that money went towards funding the publication costs of Nami’s Pitjantjatjara Children’s Illustrated Bible.
I pray the legacy of my grandparent’s faith and my father’s faith will be sown into many generations of Pitjantjatjara children. I hope that my children and my sibling’s children will be able to meet Nami’s family and celebrate this legacy from our ancestors.
Have you considered sowing seeds into mission through prayer, service, or finance? Even though we may never see the fruits of our work, are you prepared to ask God where you can be used?
Lord… we want to be used by you for your purposes. Help us to have faith that the small amount we can offer in service or sacrifice will have heavenly impact that only you can know about. Please hear our prayers offered up in these private quiet times – and help us to be deeply enriched in good times and bad. We believe that the seeds we sow in faith will multiply a thousand times over as we serve in your strength, teach others your commands. Amen.