This passage in Deuteronomy continues with Moses instructing the Israelites to pass on the history of their faith to the next generation. “In the future, when your son asks you ‘What is the meaning of the stipulations, decrees and laws the Lord our God has commanded you?’, tell him…” (Deut 6:20-21).
While this instruction was originally directed towards the Israelite nation, we should make every effort to share our convictions about the fulfilment of the Old Testament in the Gospel of Jesus. This is especially the case when ministering to our children (or our adult friends) who are young in the faith, or still making their minds up about following God. At some point, transformation takes place, and from their own desire the seeds sown in their lives help their hearts to turn to God and to us.
Are you making the most of every opportunity to share the Gospel with your family? Are your friends aware of your conviction that these words are truth? Can they see the love you have for God in your life?
Help us, Lord, to be bold and speak about your mercies… all the days of our lives. Help the meditations of our heart be transmitted into joyful obedience for you. Help us to make the truth of the gospel plain to all people. I pray that I can speak up even when society around me tries to deny, or explain away your glory and the joy that comes from knowing you and obeying you. Amen.