7 day plan

Our Heritage of Faith

Day 3 of 7



Last year I interviewed a tribal leader called Pastor Musa from the Marwari people in Pakistan. He lives in a village where nearly everyone is a Christian, though they are surrounded by Muslim villages. He has two sons who are evangelists, a grandson who is an evangelist, a daughter who is a leader, and another son-in-law who is a leader. I asked one of his sons through our interpreter: ‘What do you see in your father’s character that influenced you the most?’ He answered, ‘He told me about Jesus’. Wanting more in-depth insight into the father’s character, a man who influenced multiple generations, I asked again, ‘But what about his character and example did you find the most inspiring?’

The son said, ‘He taught me about Jesus Christ’.*

Do you live a life that consistently reflects your faith in Jesus, regardless of what is going on around you? Whether faced with poverty or riches, illness or health, do you firmly stand by your convictions as a believer, willing to endure suffering for Jesus and refusing to let your faith waver in times of weakness?



*Harris, Jonathan, Barnett, Ian Ed., Footsteps for Future Generations, Youthworks Media 2023, p.116 



Lord, I want to live out my faith publically. I want to grow in my confidence and be strong enough to be a reliable disciple who can pass on your Word, as an example to the world of the life of Christ. Amen.
