7 day plan

Our Heritage of Faith

Day 1 of 7


Luke 15:29

‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you … yet you never gave me even a young goat...’ Luke 15:29, NIV Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. Psalm 127:1, NIV  

Series Introduction

Over the next seven days, we’ll be reflecting with Jonathan Harris on passages of Scripture which point to leaving a legacy of faith. He says, “Recently, on researching the lives of my missionary grandparents, I discovered that they made decisions out of a very practical faith. They did not work for ambition, pride or a desire to make a name for themselves. As a result, I have been assessing my own drive, dreams and impact within my family, church and community. As I have thought about how to maximise my time and how my finances may benefit God’s plan, I have been reminded how important it is to have the right heart and motivation.”


Since unearthing my missionary grandparents’ archive of documents and artefacts, and then watching my father and mother pass away from cancer, I have begun a journey of identifying my own purpose in life. Sometimes I’m tempted to try and leave a legacy by writing a meaningful book or achieving a major physical feat that will be remembered.

Yet the great Christian thinker, the late Timothy Keller, warns us to watch our attitude toward our legacy and our ‘works’. Keller discussed the dangers of seeking success and leaving a legacy, and warns us that placing too much emphasis on worldly success and achievements can lead to them becoming idols.

All God requires us to do is to have faith in Christ’s atoning efforts on the cross and trust God’s work of justifying us through his Son.*

All the effort of trying to leave a heritage or build an investment portfolio; wanting to be remembered for being a missionary or for good works; is approaching God like the older brother in the story of the prodigal son did, trusting in our own works, not in God’s grace.*

Are you currently serving God—and your fellow believers—in any capacity?

Do you pray for humility and strive to point people to Jesus… because you have only done your duty?



* Keller, Timothy, Counterfeit Gods (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 2009)

*Harris, Jonathan; Barnett, Ian Ed. Footsteps for Future Generations Youthworks Media 2023, p.113


Lord, I pray that I always seek a pure heart in any activity that I do. I pray that I work as if I am working for you. I pray that the meditations of my heart will be acceptable in your sight. Please help me always bring my plans before you. And when there is no clear path forward, I pray that I can confidently make decisions in faith according to the direction of your Word. Amen.
