14 day plan

Navigating a “Crisis of Faith”

Day 12 of 14


Reflection:  The 16th-century Spanish mystic, St John of the Cross, wrote a poem called “The Dark Night of the Soul”. It refers to the tests and refining the soul needs to go through in order to be ready for God’s kingdom. The phrase has since also come to mean those dark times when there is a faith crisis.

The thing to remember is that a ‘dark night of the soul’ is not necessarily catastrophic. Rather, it is something that can refine us and ready us for God’s kingdom. So don’t waste your faith crisis. Put it to use!

I once went on a week-long silent retreat in which I experienced a mini faith crisis. The first two days were restorative and peaceful. However, the second two days were horrific. Every doubt and accusation that I’d ever accumulated in life came out of hiding and shrieked at me. But I hung on in faith… and eventually pushed through to be in a remarkable place of intimacy with God that I’d never been to before.

So, please be encouraged. Push through.

Prayer:  Dear Lord Jesus, you have promised never to fail us or forsake us, and that is such a beautiful promise. If you withdraw from us, it is only to invite us to follow you deeper into your kingdom ways. Keep me following faithfully, my Lord.