7 day plan

My Father’s Son

In following Jesus, the relationships we have around us are some of the most important parts of our life. In fact, some might say, when all is said and done, relationships are all we have. In the very beginning we see that God created us with relationships in mind: firstly, with him, and then with others. Jesus distilled all the commandments into just two, as we see in these verses:  "Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself'." (Matt 22:37-39) Over the coming days, in this devotion series we will look at those relationships that are most important – our relationship with God, and others, including our earthly father. 

Author: Wayne Alcorn
Best known for his various leadership roles spanning over 40 years, Wayne Alcorn is much loved as a communicator because of his ability to employ insightful (and humorous) storytelling to amplify biblical truth. Having spent over four decades serving men of all ages in Australia and beyond, he is acutely aware of the challenges facing emerging generations of fathers and sons, and he continues to be engaged in programs that effectively transform men, their families and their communities.
