Reflection: Patience — enduring the discomfort that arises from suffering
Patience is the ability to endure difficult people and situations without giving into anger or giving up hope. As God shows us patience when we are doing disappointing things, we also can show others patience when they disappoint us.
Proverbs 25:15 says, “Through patience a ruler can be persuaded, and a gentle tongue can break a bone.” People with patience wield a lot of power; more power than you would think at first glance. God’s patience toward us is credited with doing amazing things. It can lead to repentance. It is key to living a virtuous life.
Faithfulness to God translates into patience in everyday difficulties, knowing that God is using tough times to grow our endurance.
So, we will grow in patience to the extent that we follow the Holy Spirit’s reminders that we have a loving heavenly Father and that in all life’s circumstances he “works for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28).
Dear Lord, thank you for every opportunity for me to be patient. Fill me with your Spirit so that I display the fruit of patience in all situations. May I be patient with myself in times of waiting and with others, especially those going through difficult times. Amen.