You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. But what do we do with light?
Jesus came, gave his life and conquered death, not only for your life and mine, but for all people. We have this good news, not to be shut up behind our teeth and inside our churches, but to be shared through earnest compassion, faithful good works and our testimony of God’s love.
He is risen, so that we might rise. Rise above our very real troubles, and the trivial concerns in this life, to take a hold of God’s greater purpose.
I certainly do not always rise as I know he has called me to. But God takes our human frailty into account from start to finish of his merciful plan. He has given us the Holy Spirit who helps, comforts, guides, convicts and empowers us to live according to God’s will.
Jesus commissions us to share this good news and gives us everything we need to overcome. This is the kindness of our God.
As you go into a new year, create margin to remember all that God has done for you and consider how you might extend that love to someone else. It could be through generosity, thoughtful encouragement, kindness to strangers, sharing of your personal testimony, or a gentle invitation to a deeper conversation. We can all do something to bring others one step closer into God’s loving arms.
You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. What do we do with light? Let it shine.
Lord, help me to slow down to notice the needs of others. Give me margin to reach out, to show your love and shine your light on others.