What did it feel like, I wonder, for the Ancient Jewish people to wait on their promised Saviour? During the exhilarating years of victory and prosperity. During the tragic seasons of defeat and loss. What did it feel like to have it all or lose it all and still hold on to the promise of a Saviour who would right every wrong, redeem the lost and heal the broken-hearted?
The promise of a Messiah so powerful and perfect was a source of strength and hope in difficult seasons. They may have been waiting for a warrior king to topple their oppressors but instead, the earth received a baby born in a barn. They may have expected a mighty oak but they received a “shoot.”
Maybe you have hopes and dreams that are as yet unfulfilled? Maybe you are praying and yearning for an earth-shaking moment of breakthrough? But what if that breakthrough was delivered to you as nothing more than a tender shoot. Maybe that “shoot” is an opportunity, or a person, or conversation that is not too impressive at first glance.
Just as that baby in a manger grew into a man who changed the world, a sliver of hope, a mustard seed of faith in your heart can accomplish great things.
God, this Christmas we ask for anointed conversations, for joyful connection and for fractured relationships to be reconciled. Thank you for opportunities, however big or small, to share your light.