12 day plan

Joseph: God’s bigger plan and purpose

Day 8 of 12


ReflectionThey looked at each other in astonishment!     

Further Reading: Genesis 43:1-34

The tension builds in this dramatic chapter. The family in Canaan is out of food and Israel (Jacob) has to face the reality that his sons need to go back to Joseph and his youngest son, Benjamin, will need to go as well. They take gifts and double the silver coins to give to Joseph.

When they come before Joseph, he makes elaborate preparations for a banquet in their honour. Naturally the brothers are confused as to what will happen to them when they go into his palace. They still don’t recognise him and are overwhelmed by what is going on. They speak to the steward, and he assures them with the words we see above in verse 23.

At last, ten brothers appear before Joseph. They prostrate themselves before him, in direct fulfilment of the original dream that Joseph had told them about. He takes a very personal interest in the health of his father and is overwhelmed when he meets Benjamin. He invites them to eat with him and they share in a mighty feast.

It’s remarkable how the brothers are still being blessed by God. They seem to give him little recognition, and yet God is at work, and he is both preserving their lives and also providing for them.

In our lives it is good to know that God doesn’t count our sins against us. He wants our best and is at work to enable us to recognise that.

Prayer:  Our Father in heaven, open our eyes today to see your goodness in our lives. Thank you that through Jesus our sins have been wiped clean and we can live a new life in a new way, in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.