12 day plan

Joseph: God’s bigger plan and purpose

Day 10 of 12


Reflection:  It was to save lives!   

Further Reading: Genesis 45:1-28

What an incredibly powerful scene! The dam of emotion bursts and Joseph can no longer control himself. He weeps so loudly that all in Pharaoh’s household heard it! In the presence only of his brothers, he finally reveals himself: “I am Joseph!”.

His words are remarkable. ‘The evil you committed was used for a bigger purpose. It was to save lives! God’s purpose was to preserve a remnant on earth and to save your lives. It wasn’t you who sent me here to Egypt but God himself’! Joseph embraces each of them and they all weep together. In a somewhat understated way it says, ‘his brothers talked with him!’

Even more remarkably, Pharaoh joins in and sends the brothers home to bring their father back to live in Goshen in Egypt. In going, they are blessed with clothes and animals and grain and other treasures.

It is a wonderful principle that ‘what some intend for evil, God can turn to good’ (Gen 50:20). That was true of the death of Jesus, and it will be true for each of us. Our evil actions are forgiven, and the slate is wiped clean. God brings good out of that which is evil.

Prayer:  Merciful Father, thank you that you can bring good out of evil. Thank you that through the lives of ordinary people you are bringing about grace and freedom. Help us in the midst of pain and struggle to trust you to bring good out of evil for us. Amen.