12 day plan

Joseph: God’s bigger plan and purpose

Day 1 of 12


Series Introduction:  The story of Joseph is one of the most loved in the Old Testament. It’s a powerful story of disaster and recovery, failure and redemption and faithfulness. It’s a powerful expression of God’s love, guidance, protection and care. It’s also a story of jealousy, deceit, anger, denial, disaster and fear. All of us can connect with some part of this story and in a bigger sense all of us know of God’s love and care for us, even in the midst of very challenging circumstances.

In this devotional series, each day there is a suggested Genesis reading as well as the day’s focus verses. Let me encourage you to take the extra time to read the unfolding story of the life of Joseph.

ReflectionJoseph’s Dream     

Suggested reading: Genesis 37:1-11

Families – can’t live with them, can’t live without them! Such a familiar sentiment and situation for us all. It was pretty similar for Joseph right at the outset of his life story in Genesis 37. Joseph, we’re told, was 17 years old and was a shepherd. He was the favourite of his father Israel (Jacob). Famously, Jacob had given his youngest son a very special sign of his love for him, an ornate robe. It’s not surprising that his brothers both hated and were jealous of him.

To add insult to injury, Jacob then tells them of his special dreams. In the first dream he sees his brothers bowing before him depicted as sheaves of wheat. In the second, the sun and moon and eleven stars are bowing down to him!

Joseph is young and greatly loved by his father but by the end of this first section he is despised by his brothers.

Our actions within our families are complex and have consequences. While there is a bigger story that lies behind the specifics here, it points to the foolishness of parents playing favourites.

Prayer:  Gracious God, help me within my family to be the best I can be, even in situations that are deep seated and challenging. Grant me wisdom and love. Amen.