14 day plan

Intimacy with God - Part 1

Day 6 of 14


Reflection:  God commissions no one until they have first surrendered to him. The Apostle Paul had to stop persecuting Christians and surrender to Jesus (Acts 26:12-18) before he was commissioned to be Christianity’s greatest first century missionary. The same is true for you and me. Once we surrender to Jesus, God commissions us to change people’s history.

Jesus died to make three things possible:

  • to make intimacy with God possible (which is personal)
  • to make community as church possible (which is communal)
  • to make God’s idea for his kingdom possible(which is eternal)

Each stage leads to the next. Why? Because God is heading somewhere with a plan, a plan he invites you to help bring about.

The privilege of partnering with God in his eternal plans is beyond my ability to describe in words. I just know I want to play my part.

So, let’s surrender to God and pick up our commission (Acts 1:8).

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, your mission is too important for it to depend on my ability. So I surrender to you, and invite your strength to flow through me… and achieve your purposes.  In Jesus name.  Amen.