14 day plan

Finding Refuge in the Lord

Day 6 of 14


Psalm 34:5

‘Those who look to him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame.’ Psalm 34:5 CEV


If you could have a meal with anyone in history, who would you choose? I would love to sit at a table with Jesus — to talk to him, to listen to him, and to gaze into his face. The thought makes me quiver with excitement. And it fills me with an inexpressible joy. How wonderful it would be to sit in the presence of my Lord and Saviour.

That word ‘Saviour’ is significant. Because to be in the presence of ‘the Holy One of God’ (Luke 4:34) … well, who can possibly measure up and be worthy of such an honour unless we have a saviour.

King David’s life was far from perfect — he stuffed up in spectacular ways. But he is also one who looked to the Lord for help and was freed from shame.

And this can be our experience too. No need for averted eyes; no need to cower to make ourselves small or invisible. The one we look to is our Rescuer, Saviour and Deliverer. Even more, being in his presence changes our appearance so we radiate light and hope and joy.

There is a beautiful account of Jesus walking with two of his disciples along a road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. During their time together, they listened to him explain the Scriptures concerning himself. On reaching Emmaus they encouraged Jesus to join them for a meal. As Luke recounts: ‘When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognised him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”’ (Luke 24:30-32)

This was a transformative conversation for these disciples. They had been afraid and deeply troubled. They thought their Saviour had abandoned them. As they suddenly realised that they were in the presence of their Lord their hearts were warmed and their faces radiated a deep inner joy. Their Lord was with them. They were safe.

Look to the Lord and it will change you.

‘Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy …’ (Isaiah 60:5).


Loving Father, I praise you with my whole being. You have blessed me with an abundance of goodness. My heart quivers with joy at my salvation. Continue to fill me with joy. Help me to notice the abundant blessings you have given me — forgiveness, hope of eternity with you forever, and the reminder that you are at work in my life, slowly transforming me to reflect your glory and splendour. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


“Behold our God” by Sovereign Grace Music

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