14 day plan

Finding Refuge in the Lord

Day 3 of 14


Psalm 34:4b

‘… he delivered me from all my fears.’ Psalm 34:4b, CEV


Yesterday we noted David’s arrow prayers that issued from his state of desperate need. How did God respond?

The Psalm offers a rich and detailed portrait of what God does: he delivers (vv. 4,7,17,19), he saves (v. 6,18), and he rescues (v. 22). To make sure we don’t miss it, he tells us seven times.

In the face of our deepest needs, this is what we need — to be delivered, saved and rescued.  Psalm 34 paints a picture of an active, ever-present God who responds to our cries, and gently, tenderly, and lovingly demonstrates that he is willing to step in. He doesn’t say, ‘I’m available later today or next week’; his response is immediate. As the God who delivers, saves, and rescues, he draws close (v. 18) and offers protection (v. 20).

What is our deepest need? To be delivered from our great enemies: sin, death and the evil one. So, the God who intervened on David’s behalf also mounts a rescue mission on our behalf. In the famous words that Jesus spoke to Nicodemus:

‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16).

David’s words are a foretaste of our reality. Through belief in Jesus, God offers us deliverance and salvation. In him we find our true refuge — a place of safety and security that transcends the hardships, fears, and griefs of our present experience and guarantees a life of eternal blessing in his presence.


Thank you that you are my rock, my redeemer, my refuge. Thank you for delivering, saving and rescuing me through your Son, Jesus. Thank you that you continue to reach out and step in when I need help, today, and in fact, every day. Thank you for this reminder. In the name of Christ. Amen.


“O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer” by Sovereign Grace Music

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