14 day plan

Finding Refuge in the Lord

Day 1 of 14


Psalms 34:8b

‘… blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.' Psalms 34:8b, CEV

Series Introduction

Charles H. Spurgeon said, ‘the delightful study of the Psalms has yielded me boundless profit and ever-growing pleasure …’
This series of devotions focuses on Psalm 34, written by King David in response to an actual event when he feared for his life. But he has written these words as an encouragement for all of God’s people. The psalm is carefully structured as an acrostic poem to make it easier to remember for its original Hebrew audience. For people like us, the important thing is that David’s words are God’s words for when life is full of perplexity, pain, doubt, shame and fear. They remind us that refuge is found in our Lord and Saviour.
Each devotion unpacks one idea from the Psalm. I’d love to encourage you to read Psalm 34 each day — quickly or slowly.
At the end of each devotion, there will be a link to a song. Some choices are reflective, while others are songs of praise. If my choices are not to your taste, why not find a song that you find encouraging and uplifting and listen to this instead.


We all need a place of refuge, no more so than when we are afraid. The Psalmist tells us that the one who takes refuge in the Lord is blessed.

There are many word pictures in the Bible that help us understand what a refuge looks like — under the wings of an eagle; being held safe in loving arms; comforted like a child at a mother’s breast, so tender and secure. These are the places we want to flee to and find when we face a situation that is scary and overwhelming. A refuge is a place offering physical safety and spiritual security.

Over the next two weeks, we have an opportunity to explore what Psalm 34 says to us, especially when we are afraid, fearful and overwhelmed.  As we read this psalm and meditate on its truths we will be reminded, again and again, that God is not distant.  In Jesus, our God drew near and entered our world filled with fears and troubles. He is with us.

Today, read Psalm 34 slowly and notice what it says about our God and how he provides refuge. Choose one idea to focus upon and use it as a prayer for yourself today.


‘Lord, you are my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; in whom I take refuge. You are my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. You take hold of my right hand, let me hear you say, “Do not be afraid; I am with you, I will help you.”’ Please use your word to imprint this truth into my mind, my soul and my heart. In the strong name of Jesus. Amen


“Christ The Lord Is With Me” by Steffany Gretzinger, with Amanda Cook & Wonder Grace Gretzinger

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