14 day plan

Encountering the Risen Jesus

Day 8 of 14


Reflection:  Just about all of us can relate to this fishing tale. The way this is written has a lovely touch of authenticity about it. It is such an ordinary, everyday scene. Yet there are many questions. Why are they doing it? Where has Jesus been? What’s really going on?

It is Peter who suggests they go fishing. Was this an attempt to get back to a normal life again? We can all relate to that after the disruption of 2020! Jesus has died and risen again. What does all this mean, and what will their future look like? The overnight fishing trip has been a failure and they are returning dispirited and uncertain. The day is breaking and someone on the shore seems to know of their plight. They are directed to throw their nets onto the right-hand side of the boat, and they will catch ‘some’. Amazingly, their nets are full to overflowing!

Maybe today you need God’s help and provision. Maybe you need to hear his voice directing you in the right path. Our lives are often as seemingly ordinary as this seaside tale but no less significant. God is at work in our day-to-day lives, and he wants the best for us as well. Pray that he would be at work in you, to speak and to bless.

Prayer:  Everlasting God, we thank you for being at work in our lives. Help us to listen for your voice and to follow your commands. Amen.