Reflection: You may have noticed that we skipped these two verses at the end of Chapter 20. In one sense it is similar to the end of Chapter 21. Yet it is different.
Why did John write his Gospel?
So that people like you and me can know what he knew. That Jesus is the Messiah. That he is the Son of God. That he has risen from the dead. What John has recorded for us are signs pointing to this reality. If we read about Jesus and then decide to believe in him, then we too will have life in his name.
John didn’t just write a history of an interesting person. There are countless books like that that are published every year. No, this Jesus, as the Messiah and Son of God, is the means whereby people of any age or background can find new life in God. They can be reconciled with their creator and they can be raised to live a new life in the power of the Holy Spirit. They can be part of a community of believers, and they can share together in God’s mission in God’s world today.
Praise God for Jesus – that he helps us believe in himself as the Messiah and the Son of God and that he gifts us with new life in his name.
Prayer: Loving Father we thank you for welcoming us into your kingdom. Thank you for the gift of faith by which we can respond to you and live for you. Amen.