Reflection: Many people struggle with believing in something they can neither see nor touch. Many want scientific proof. ‘You have to trust the science,’ has been said innumerable times in the past year. We can be incredibly grateful that Thomas missed that first meeting between Jesus and the disciples. When he is told about it, he makes his position very clear – ‘unless I see and touch for myself, I will not believe.’
A week later, and this time Thomas is present when Jesus meets with the disciples. He greets them all and then turns his attention to Thomas! What a scene as Thomas is invited to reach out and touch Jesus, to ‘stop doubting and believe’.
Jesus acknowledges that most people won’t be able to literally see him and believe. For people like us – 2000 years down the track – we who see with the eyes of faith and believe, Jesus says we are blessed!
Today, acknowledge Jesus as your Lord and God and continue to believe in the miracle of his resurrection. More than that, give thanks for your resurrection to come, and that God has blessed you with new life today and with future glory. As a ‘blessed person’ make the most of the opportunities God gives you today.
Prayer: Our Lord and God, we thank you that you graciously responded to Thomas so he could touch, see and believe. Help us to live by faith today and to trust you even with the areas of our life where we especially need your grace and help. Amen.