14 day plan

Encountering the Risen Jesus

Day 6 of 14


Reflection:  I imagine you have probably been to a Commissioning Service where someone is inducted into a new role or position – perhaps even your own. At these sorts of gatherings there is a sense of anticipation and excitement but also an underlying question of how it will all go. It’s a bit like that in today’s passage, except we’re talking about the resurrected Jesus and the first apostles!

Jesus appeared amongst the disciples as they were gathered. It was a joyous reunion. All their fears would have been put aside as they shared once again together. Their growing awareness that what he had talked about many times had now actually happened would have both surprised and yet reassured them.

As Jesus breathes on them and they receive the Holy Spirit, they are commissioned for the new ongoing mission. As God had sent Jesus into the world, they are being sent to continue his great work. Amazingly, they are the ones who will now offer God’s cleansing and forgiveness.

Let’s reflect on the privilege we each have, of being Jesus’ sent ones. Like those first apostles we have our strengths and our weaknesses. None of us can ever have the unique role they had. At the same time, it is amazing to think that each of us are sent and have been blessed with the Holy Spirt dwelling inside us. The Holy Spirit gives us the strength and wisdom to live out God’s commission.

Question:  How will you serve God today in the places and with the people he has connected you with?

Prayer:  Holy Spirit breathe on me afresh today, to live as your representative in the places and with the people you have connected me with. Amen