14 day plan

Encountering the Risen Jesus

Day 3 of 14


Reflection:  These few words have so many twists and turns. Peter sees the strips of linen, and then the head cloth lying in its place. John then enters, seemingly slow and reluctant. He too saw what Peter saw. He may have been slow to enter but he is quick to believe! Then, in an anti-climactic way, we’re told they went back to their lodgings! Surely if they had seen clear evidence that something dramatic had taken place you would think they may have wanted to shout it out!

What did John view with his own eyes that had moved him to see and believe? He saw clear evidence, not that the body had been stolen, but that it had literally risen out of the folded grave clothes, which had been left intact. While they were still unclear as to what it all meant and what the Scripture had foretold, they saw enough to know something amazing was happening.

Question:  Can you relate to the challenge for Peter and John, and to comprehend what they were seeing before their very eyes?

Prayer:  Loving God, help me to see and believe, both from the Scriptures, and from your hand at work in my life today. Amen.