14 day plan

Encountering the Risen Jesus

Day 12 of 14


Reflection:  It would appear that an editor finished off John’s Gospel in this way. Even with four gospels, we don’t have a complete biography of Jesus’ life and actions. A chapter-by-chapter depiction of his life acts and words would be vast volume. What we do have are four deeply personal perspectives on the greatest person to have ever lived. We have all that we need to know, so that we can believe in him.

The fact that they are personal accounts adds to their authenticity. Each of us is living out our faith story, and we have our own testimony that this is true for us. Here we are, 2000 years down the track, and we are still encountering Jesus in Scripture. This is itself authentic because it points to the reality that faith is alive and powerful. It has no bounds and is present in every age and every corner of the globe.

Prayer:  Gracious God, we thank you for the faithful witness of John the apostle. Thank you that we can know Jesus today. Help us to live out our story, as one of countless millions, that reflect your love and kindness. Amen.