14 day plan

Encountering the Risen Jesus

Day 10 of 14


Reflection:  There has been an underlying tension in these post resurrection encounters. What about Peter and Jesus? For Peter, there was a profound sense of shame and humiliation, following his denial of Jesus, which Jesus had predicted. Could God continue to use Peter? Would he want to? How do the rest of the team feel about all of this?

Most of us have relational challenges. Whatever their nature, they are stressful, and we hope they can be resolved.

Jesus goes straight to the heart of the matter, “Peter, do you love me more than these?” Confronting, uncomfortable and challenging. Being asked once was awkward enough, but three times! Three times, Peter declares his love, and each time, Jesus commissions him: take care of my sheep, feed them. We notice the parallelism of the repetition. It fully tests Peter, and by the third time he is hurt and confused.

Broken relationships need fixing. More than that; God uses flawed and failed people. It is Peter who is commissioned again and again. He is to be one of the key people to continue Jesus’ mission, looking after the ‘lambs’ and taking care of and feeding the ‘sheep’. Peter’s shame is dealt with and he emerges in a place no one could have expected.

Prayer:  Gracious God, we thank you that you are willing to use people like Peter and me. Thank you for freeing me from my shame and commissioning me for your service. Help me to know how to respond to the broken relationships in my life. Amen.