14 day plan

Encountering the Risen Jesus

Day 1 of 14


Reflection: The great celebration of Easter is finished. We can move on! Easter these days is usually buried in the school holidays and often people go away. The great accounts we have of Jesus post resurrection appearances can easily get lost. So, for the next 14 days we’re going to revisit the wonderful resurrection accounts in John 20 and 21 and look at them in bite sized bits! Each of John’s stories are unique to his gospel.

Early on that Sunday morning Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. It was still dark. The stone is rolled away. The tomb is empty, and she runs back to tell Peter and John that the body is gone, and they don’t know where it is.

Just imagine the drama of this moment. Mary went to the tomb as an act of reverence for the dead and to continue mourning. She would have had many thoughts, and certainly wasn’t expecting to find this! It was enough to have to cope with Jesus’ death, and now the disappearance of his body!

Each of us have areas of our lives where there may be big challenges or questions. Things may not be clear or certain. The empty tomb is ultimately a sign of hope.

Question:  What is on your heart today, which you can bring before God, and seek his help and wisdom?

Prayer:  Gracious God, we thank you for the hope represented by the empty tomb. Help us to trust you at the points in our life when things change, and we don’t know what is going to happen next.  Amen.