14 day plan

At The Table: Reflections on Godly Governance

Day 8 of 14


Reflection: Healthy table talk – conflict*

Things get shared at the dinner table like nowhere else.  Arguments sometimes happen too.

One of our biggest transformations as leaders over the last year was our confidence to speak openly and honestly and become less afraid of disagreeing.

Hard conversations have to happen at these tables. Difficult and sometimes painful decisions get made.  Leading is really hard.

We don’t like conflict, but we realised this year that avoiding conflict is much worse. It can be fatal for many organisations.

Healthy table talk doesn’t necessarily mean avoiding conflict, but it’s about approaching and dealing with conflict in a God honouring and pleasing way.

How do you promote healthy conflict?

Have you been avoiding something?

Prayer: God, help us find the balance between living at peace with everyone and having confidence to speak openly and honestly, even if it means dealing with conflict. Help us to honour and please you at all times.

*A thought from Lucy and James

Further Reading: ‘Peacemaking for your organisation