14 day plan

At The Table: Reflections on Godly Governance

Day 5 of 14


Reflection: Let’s say Grace*

We always start and finish our meals (and meetings) in prayer right? Don’t get me wrong talking to God at any point in time is sacred and important. But are bookend prayers enough? Paul talks about praying continually, without ceasing.

The first board agenda that I read from my host organisation stood out to me. The format was really easy to read, but it also had an obvious six letter word in blue italics all throughout the document: ‘prayer’ and a sub-heading: ‘Prayer of Thanksgiving’ after the key ministry reports segment. Amen!

Prayer wasn’t just forming the bookends, it was the binding that held the whole meeting together.

What if our meetings opened with a prayer that never closed?

Prayer: Thank you Lord, that we can talk to you at any moment and in every circumstance.

*A thought from Lucy