14 day plan

At The Table: Reflections on Godly Governance

Day 2 of 14


Reflection – The head of our table*

I was speaking with a CEO the other day who had the mammoth task of re-discovering the Christian mission of their organisation.

The board had forgotten who the head of their table was. As a result, they had drifted off course quite significantly.

I wonder if we are conscious enough to recognise that reality in our own lives; the moments we exchange God for good, those small compromises and well-meaning intentions that lead us astray, or worse, when we try and put ourselves in the driver’s seat.

I’m learning that boards need godly gatekeepers, prophets and truth-tellers who are willing to be a mirror of our actions and remind us to keep God first. Organisations start to drift when those key voices are silenced or eliminated.

The same is true for our lives.

Who do you trust to hold that mirror up to you?

Prayer: Spirit, help me to put God our Father first, just as Jesus did.

*A thought from James

Further Reading: ‘Mission Drift: The Unspoken Crisis Facing Leaders, Charities, and Churches’ by Chris Horst and Peter Greer