14 day plan

At The Table: Reflections on Godly Governance

Day 14 of 14


Reflection: Are you being called to the table?

Organisations rise and fall with the quality of their governance.

We’ve all seen (and possibly experienced) bad governance in God’s family: an unaccountable pastor/CEO, a board stacked with ‘yes people,’ a culture of secrecy, an inability to change.  These failures are the manifest fears and insecurities of our leaders. Unfortunately, they play out with sometimes irreparable damage.

But the opposite of this is also true. When leaders come to the table as family, lay down their egos, make space to hear from God, practice humility and above all, put God first, something beautiful happens.

You enter that sacred space. You become conscious that God is using your group and its humble human efforts to bless the world. You see lives transformed, communities changed, and strongholds fall. My (Lucy’s) mentor is right (in Day 7’s reflection): a small group of people can really change the world.

That’s something we love being a part of.

What about you? Is governance, stewardship and administration, is there something God might be calling you to?

What is the fruit of Godly governance and leadership in your world?

Prayer: Lord, use me to serve your Kingdom.

*A thought from Lucy and James