7 day plan

Ambassadors for Christ

Day 7 of 7


Romans 10:17

"So, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17, NKJV

Reflection: The Bible for everyone

Until 1998, we only had the New Testament in modern Mongolian. Then, in the autumn of 1998, a portion of the Old Testament containing 14 books was released in Mongolian.  

As a student at the time, picking up these Old Testament books, which I had only listened to until then, was a deeply joyful and tearful experience for me. From that time, I fell in love with the Bible and realised deeply how important it is not just to learn from it, but also to share it with others. Shortly after, in 2000, we received the complete Bible, a moment of immense gratitude that heralded a new chapter in the history of Christianity and Mongolian Bible translation. 

The entire team at the Mongolian Union Bible Society is committed to fulfilling the vision of ‘the Bible for everyone’, to making the Bible accessible for all. Despite the many challenges we face, we are committed to carrying out this ministry faithfully, with the hope that by making the Bible and the message of salvation available to every Mongolian, the impact and number of those saved will significantly increase and continue to grow. 

Faith is not something that happens by chance. It is through the ministry and sacrifices of many individuals that the message of salvation reaches each person. Accurate translation of the Bible, high-quality printing, diverse distribution channels, and effective sales strategies are all integral parts of this ministry, ensuring that the Scriptures are accessible to preachers and congregations. This ministry is interconnected with others, much like the preparation and distribution of food. 

In Mongolia today, the visually impaired have the opportunity to read the Bible in Mongolian Braille, the deaf can access sign language versions, and the Kazakh minority can read the Bible in their native language, either in Mongolian traditional script or in our main native Mongolian language. The Mongolian Union Bible Society is currently collaborating with congregations to spread the word further. 


God, thank you for the faithful service of your people in the past, and currently, who have brought your word to the Mongolian people. Please use and empower your people to ensure that every Mongolian hears your word. 
