14 day plan

Alive: Reflections on Romans 8

Day 12 of 14


Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28 CEV


Like an orchestral piece, Romans 8 is building towards a crescendo that will leave its hearers/readers breathless in wonder – aching for more. In verse 28 Paul offers us a stunning promise that if we are honest, we can find hard to believe, even offensive at times, that God can and does use all circumstances in life, good and bad, for his redemptive purposes.

How have you experienced God working a bad circumstance for your good?


Lord God, I pray for my friend who is suffering. Please help them to see that you are still good, and please use their suffering for their good, to make them more like you. Amen.