14 day plan

Alive: Reflections on Romans 8

Day 8 of 14


Romans 8:22

We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.  Romans 8:22 CEV


Paul uses the graphic imagery of birth to press home the type of eager expectation with which creation waits for its redemption. As the suffering of labour precedes the joy at the birth of a child, so too creation will groan in its suffering — and yet not without hope as it looks forward to its renewal. This suffering is past (has been groaning), present (right up to the present time) and will continue until the sons of God are revealed (verse 19). The journey for creation looks to the future with eager expectation and hope, and in the meantime, it suffers much, but one day those sufferings will slip into the past to be replaced by unimaginable joy.

What joyful outcome do you long for in your life right now?


Thank you, Lord, that you will redeem not only humans but also your creation. Please help us to long for that day. Amen.