14 day plan

Alive: Reflections on Romans 8

Day 2 of 14


Romans 8:2

Because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me (you) free from the law of sin and death.  Romans 8:2 CEV


The Holy Spirit is not a depersonalised force, although the Bible uses physical metaphors (wind, rain, breath) to refer to the way in which the Holy Spirit is experienced. We can know and experience the Holy Spirit personally and intimately. The Holy Spirit is present to all who place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. The Holy Spirit is a promise fulfilled by Jesus, who declared to his frightened and bewildered disciples grieving his imminent departure. The Holy Spirit is creatively powerful. The Holy Spirit is a life-giver, liberating us from the power of sin and death in order that we might live in the freedom of God’s presence. We are able to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit — the amazing presence and power of God resident in our lives — only through what the life, death and resurrection of Jesus accomplished.

In what ways have you experienced the liberating power of the Holy Spirit in your life?


Holy Spirit, giver of life, thank you for your liberating power at work in my life, even in ways I do not fully comprehend or realise. Lead me deeper into the truth of the gospel that sets me free. Keep pointing me to Jesus that my love, joy and delight in him might ever increase. Amen.