14 day plan

Alive: Reflections on Romans 8

Day 5 of 14


Romans 8:9

You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. Romans 8:9 CEV


A primary purpose of his letter is to help the Roman believers live in the fullness of the inheritance they have as sons and daughters of God. As his argument turns from contrasting life controlled by the sinful nature with one controlled by the Holy Spirit, he reminds the Romans (and us) that they are no longer defined by their sinful nature, but rather have a new identity. They are no longer slaves to sin but belong to Christ. All this is by, and through, the power of the Holy Spirit.

Where have you experienced new beginnings as a result of your faith?


Father, thank you for the gift of your Spirit living in me, transforming me ever more to be like your Son. Thank you for the unshakeable Spirit-fuelled assurance that I belong to you and am no longer a slave to sin. Forgive me for the ways in which I have resisted the work of your Spirit in me, stubbornly choosing death over life. Fill me again and again with your Spirit, that I might live a life that honours and pleases you, for Jesus’ sake and your glory. Amen.