14 day plan

Alive: Reflections on Romans 8

Day 9 of 14


Romans 8:23

Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.  Romans 8:23 CEV


At this moment, we live in the ‘now but not yet’ time — the time in between. We have been saved (justified), are being saved (sanctified) and will be saved (glorified). For now, the Spirit’s indwelling testifies to the hope we have, at the same time highlighting the frailties and limitations we now experience. And so we groan inwardly. This is the paradox of the ‘now but not yet’ time we live in.

What do you find the most difficult about living in this ‘now but not yet’ time?  


Father, the message ’He is risen’ resounds beyond the place of the tomb where Jesus’ body no longer lay, for is resounds in our hearts and soars within our spirits nearly 2,000 years later. We serve a risen Saviour who is in the world today, who dwells within our hearts, and who reconciles us to You, our Father in heaven. What a joyous and triumphant day we celebrate, at Easter and every day, as we acknowledge our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ who died, was buried, and who rose again. Amen.