Reflection: Trust and trial
We all are familiar with Job’s story. Everything was stripped away from him, literally. Disaster often comes in waves as one calamity after another can befall a family, or even the world as the COVID-19 pandemic has brought every country to its knees.
May our first response to adversity be like Job’s, and our first response to blessing be worship. Job held his possessions lightly. His response was to worship God and not lay blame.
We can rest in the goodness of the Lord, whether he is adding or subtracting, because the Bible is filled with stories of his faithfulness.
When we fail to live up to Job’s standard, may we seek forgiveness and rejoice in the Father’s grace.
May we also choose our friends carefully, especially during hard times. In such times, we can struggle to find words to pray. Our friends can carry us through with prayer, practical assistance, words of encouragement and unfailing love.
Prayer: Thank you, dear Father, for friends who reflect your love. Help me to be that friend to others. To be present and willing to walk alongside the suffering, the hurting and the broken. Amen.