7 day plan

Why Unity Matters

Day 5 of 7



Today we are reading the Bible with Rick Pekan, who works in Church Relations in Western Australia for Bible Society Australia, is husband to Louise, and father to six kids.

The world today is increasingly polarised and divided. Some of us (myself included) struggle to listen, hold too tightly to our own views, and default to selfish desires and ambitions.

That’s why these verses in Philippians are so important. Paul’s encouragement to us is to value others above ourselves and put their interests above our own. Living in a manner worthy of the gospel (as Paul speaks about in chapter 1) means turning our focus outward and placing ourselves below those around us.

In my life, sometimes that has meant getting up off the couch from watching the various forms of ‘football’ I enjoy, and focusing on my wife, kids or friends in need. Sometimes that has meant welcoming children without a home into my home, even when it’s not the most comfortable decision.

I believe the humility Paul calls us to often means stepping back and admitting when we’re wrong — for me, it’s either if I have hurt someone or held a view that has caused hurt — and that I need to change or adapt based on the hurt it causes to the vulnerable and wronged around me.

Our words and our actions have consequences (good and bad). I hope you will join me in asking today, “how will I look not to my own interest, but to the interests of others?”


Dear Lord, you’ve called us to unity. You’ve called us to take the last seat at the table and to even step out and wash the feet of others. Help us to see the places in our own lives where we can imitate your Son Jesus, by valuing others above ourselves and looking out for the interest of someone else above our own.
